
Piggyback Rocket

Piggyback【pɪɡ.i.bæk】①相乗り、おんぶ ②背に乗せて運ぶこと



Piggyback Rocketは、一人のアーティストとの出会いがきっかけで誕生しました。C0Y1Nという名のその人の豊かな「作品」群は、私たちの大好きな宇宙を思わせるものでした。








そんな物理的に侵入することができない無限の世界を、「作品」を介して覗き込む。それに触ってまでみる。そうやって共有する。 ——それが、C0Y1Nにとってのアートです。





Piggyback Rocket

Piggyback   /ˈpɪɡɪbak/   ☆ a ride on someone's back and shoulders.

We piggyback.

Sometimes on our pals, on our talented friends, or on people we've yet to meet. We feel great energies in something that can be born by doing so, by reciprocally multiplying inspirations, experiences and emotion.

Piggyback Rocket was launched when we encountered an artist named C0Y1N. C0Y1N's works of art that are abundant in expression, reminded us of the universe we love.

We can never touch that epic world spreading overhead. But we'd like to have it as close as possible by embodying it ourselves, and so spice up our everyday life with some touch of adventure and excitement. And we also would love to travel to the unknown together with people who'd receive that. That's what's in our mind when producing the items.



/ˈkəʊ jɪn/

C0Y1N is an artist who expresses the ineffable world spreading "behind the eyes" like space, with a variety of colors, shapes, texture and light.

The pupil of mankind is always completely dark as a black hole since that's the point where all light rays entering get absorbed and never come out. And in the brain further beyond, there spreads such complex scenery formed by miscellaneous stimuli that arise throughout each life experience.

To peek into such an infinite world via "a work" - the world one can never physically trespass -  and even to touch it, thus share it; That's art for C0Y1N.

Starting with a lighting work 'OL01' that held a philosophy "gazing into a light in oneself, expands his/her realm" as its concept, C0Y1N crystallizes the personal universe also on papers and canvases.

As stars in the night sky are perpetually moving, "space behind the eyes" is never constant.

Accordingly, C0Y1N lets the "ad-lib" sense, as if being pulled by moment-to-moment sparkles, firstly be threads of the creation. And as spinning these threads, colloquizes with breathing of a work in front never missing the timing when it begins to respire as an independent entity, then weaves "playfulness" into it, seeks the depth and intimacy of the universe sharing experience, and their balance.